Friday, October 1, 2010

Direct Orders

You have been given a direct order to rock the freak out. Rock out like you found out your stalker is stalking someone else, like you just won the lottery the day before your house forclosed, like they do in the movies.Rock out like you just got asked out by the girl you have been crushing on for years, like you know how to rock out, like all people do is rock out. Rock out like you were lost in the mountains for three days and just got found, like they brought brownies with them, like you just turned eighteen. Rock out like Mr Nelson does when he is alone in his room with the door locked, like you rock out when you are alone in your room and the door is locked, like you are a rock star. Rock out like the world is gonna end unless you rock out. Rock out until everyone around you rocks out with you.


1 comment:

  1. Rock out like they brought brownies with them! that's smooth! keep it up!

